And, just like that, it's August 27. When and how did school suddenly start again? Don't get me wrong...I love the idea of back-to-school, but the reality always bites a little harder each fall than you expect it to.
Before I start waxing poetic about the delights of the back-to-school experience, I feel the need to clarify exactly who I am. I'm not Daniel (a student blogger from last year), and I'm not Sara (another blogger from last year), although I know and admire both of them.
My name is Jaclyn. I'm one of those people who have the conditional names...like, "My name is Joshua, but everyone calls me Josh," kind of thing. Well, my name is Jaclyn, but everyone calls me Jackie. Well, almost everyone (but that's a different blog.)
I'm a junior at CUC majoring in Public Relations and I am working on a minor in Print Journalism. I absolutely
adore my major (and my minor), and I'm definitely looking forward to be graduating in a year and a half.
When I'm not sitting in classes, I work in the CUC Enrollment Office, running around and helping students feel excited about attending CUC.
This year, my sister's a freshman at CUC, and I'm living vicariously through her new and fun experiences. She's anxious to meet her professors, see how her classes are, learn the quirks of the system, etc. Since this is now my third year at CUC (and my, what, fifteenth year of school in all?).... I'm a little jaded by the whole school thing.
I remember, though, how exciting and fun it was to go back to school when I was in the first, second and third grades. My favorite part of back-to-school shopping then was buying new crayons. I loved new crayons. I would persuade my mother to buy me the biggest, most colorful box I could find.
Now, the best part of going back-to-school is buying copious amounts of clothing using the new school year and the impending cool weather as an excuse. A bad excuse maybe, but an excuse nonetheless.
So, what is your favorite back-to-school memory? And if you are a new college freshman, returning or transfer student, what are you looking forward to most this fall?
Labels: Jaclyn Wile, student blog
As a teacher...the crayons are still the greatest thing. Your memories of school were fun to read about. Looking forward to the next blog already!
hi, since u have ma email, it sounds very interestin, i nevered looked at silver spring that way, but from the way u described it, it makes me wanna go there. i mean, we dont appreciate things until there is a change, email me
at riasingle@yahoo.com or marychu86@yahoo.com, i attend montgomery college. so if u wanna hang out that will be cool
Hey anonymous-
You go to MC? Have you ever thought about transferring to CUC? The atmosphere at a small school is great--much more friendly than a community college, I've found.
If you like, I can arrange for you to visit the CUC campus at my office for a campus tour.
Thanks for the positive feedback. Have a great week!
- Jackie