Dress to Impress.

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There's a state university located about fifteen minutes from my hometown in Virginia. When I was in high school, I was fascinated by the sight of floods of new students eating in nice restaurants and shopping in the nearby mall literally wearing their pajamas. Short, drawstring shorts; baggy capris; XL sweatpants...you name it--and as long as it was cotton--they'd wear it. Wear it on dates, wear it to classes...wear glorified pajamas everywhere. And guess what? They looked like petulant, slobby children. Not soon-to-be professionals.

So you don't think I'm a pajama-nazi either (I'll throw on a pair of Soffe shorts occasionally), I want to clarify why I obviously have strong feelings about wearing sweatpants and pajamas doing everyday, public activities...like school.

Listen, I know that pajamas are comfortable. I know classes can be early, and if you pulled an all-nighter the night before, just stumbling out of bed seems like a great option. No shower, no problem, right? Well, actually no. No shower is a big problem. Pajamas to class is a big problem.

Maybe for certain, more countrified schools the pajama/sweatpant look is okay for classes and work and going out to eat. But, let me tell you, that's definitely not how I was raised!

My first week of school at CUC three years ago, I got a pretty big shock. People here definitely give new meaning to the phrase "dress to impress." Girls wear heels to class regularly. They look put-together. They spend time on their physical appearance. And the guys? Well, they always, always match, and it's not unusual to see someone walk by in a suit every so often.

And here's my take: look, you don't have to wear heels to class. I do, every now and then, because hey, it's the city, right? Everyone wants to look cosmopolitan, and we all have jobs to go to after classes. But jeans and a nice shirt look perfectly fine...and it's not that much effort.

I look at college like a job. It's my job to get good grades. It's my job to respect my teachers and show up to class ("work") on time. It's my job to get help when I need it, or to offer it to a student in need. It's my job to get involved. It's my job to stay on top of campus issues.

College is my job, and it should be your's too. Which brings me back to my original point...when you have a job, you dress the part. That means no pajamas, and sweatpants only during finals. Period.

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4 Responses to “Dress to Impress.”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Soooo true. Thanks to the CUC students for taking the time to look good. Those of us who just visit your campus once in awhile, have taken notice. Keep dressing for success.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    It's a tough call because college students are in the transition period between student and real-life employees. But you're right, better get used to dressing for success because it matters!  

  3. # Blogger Blogger at CUC

    french for a while-

    I've been known to wear some sloppy clothes to school, so I'm certainly not making any judgment calls! I've noticed that when you dress nicer, you feel more confident...and you are more likely to stay awake in class. Sweatpants make me want to nap!

    How do the French students dress? Uniforms?

    - Jackie  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Snob. Get off your high horse and stop worrying about what other people do.  

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