Take a ride.

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See that photo to the right? That's my Metro stop. Okay, well, not mine exactly, but the Takoma station is where CUC is located and is closest to my apartment.

The Takoma Metro station is actually pretty great, especially if you are a casual Metro rider. There's a Savory Cafe outpost right next to the station (try the Iced Mocha), and the bus lines run straight from the station past the CUC campus. A short walk from the station are some great sandwich shops and a few vintage clothing stores.

But, okay, I'm making the Metro sound idyllic. I'll be honest: when I had to get my butt on the red line every day, all summer to go to my internship, I definitely developed the killer instinct. I became the typical commuter, growling if a family of tourists got in my way. Heaven forbid I be 10 seconds slower scurrying up the escalator! Not that! You get the idea.

After three months of daily pushing and shoving on the Metro, I couldn't wait to go back to school. My car sat in the parking lot like a holy grail, taunting me with its quiet, solitary alternative to public transportation. On the last day of my internship, I kid you not, my heart skipped a beat when I stepped off the Metro car.

So, fast forward three weeks to yesterday. My sister, my boyfriend's sister and I were going downtown because my sister and I had some research to do for school projects. Our obvious mode of transportation was the Metro, but I was secretly dreading the experience. As we purchased our One-Day Passes (a better deal than simply getting a farecard if you are going to explore and sightsee throughout the day), I felt a little bit of my old commuter irritation flaring up. What's this? I couldn't use my automated Smartrip card? As a commuter, you live and you die by your Smartrip card to pay your Metro fare, and only Metro amateurs use passes or farecards. But, there I was, holding a One-Day Pass. Sigh.

But, something happened as soon as I was riding up the escalator in my well-known Takoma station: I was actually feeling nostalgic! As I stepped on the train, I felt comfortable and familiar and I reveled in the old (nasty) smells and the dated colors of the train upholstery.

There's just some things about DC you love to hate...but that you really learn to like and appreciate in the end. Metro is one of them.

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12 Responses to “Take a ride.”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Time to get these student blogs some publicity! They're great.  

  2. # Blogger jmjmumma

    Sounds like you have this down to a science! Keep up the great writing!  

  3. # Blogger Blogger at CUC

    Thanks for all the encouragement! It means a lot!

    - Jackie  

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