It's a bit nippy!
Published Thursday, October 11, 2007 by Blogger at CUC | E-mail this post
It's definitely gone from summer to fall/winter in one day here in Maryland! Yesterday I was sweating ("glowing") and today it's freezing! I walked outside this morning with Molly (my dog, remember?) wearing a t-shirt, jeans and flip-flops, and oh my gosh! That was not a good idea.
It was so cold. So cold. I shivered and shivered while I waited for Molly to do whatever she needed to do, and then we both sprinted back inside to the relative warmth of my apartment.
So, I laughed when I saw this cartoon, because it's so ironic and true. It seems like whenever the weather gets chilly around here, people drag out the coats and scarves in an instant. I love wearing a scarf as much as the next person, but some people wear the most obnoxiously-lengthed ones. You have to wonder how they make it through the day without getting clotheslined when their scarf gets caught in a door or something.
All I have to say is that I was getting fairly sick of the incessant hot, humid weather, and this cool air is a great change. About a month ago, we all thought the week of cool, crisp air was permanent, but tricky Maryland did it again, and we had a full-fledged Indian Summer the past few weeks.
Orchestra has a concert this weekend and we have a four hour (yes, four) rehearsal tonight.
Hopefully the church we're rehearsing in (Spencerville SDA) won't be cold!
I would first like to point out that you did wear a scarf today, and second I am sure that somewhere you have a seperate and different scarf/sweater for Molly. That is a comment for another day. However, you are infact right, it is cold.
Whoever IMLE is...they are correct! Inside story is that Molly has her own closet!