I was looking through some old photos on my computer the other evening and saw some pictures from my high school graduation. I hadn't looked at them in a long time, and was enjoying looking at how much my friends and I have changed since then.
I haven't seen some of the people in photos with me since graduation, and some of my friends I am just as close to now as when we graduated. In this picture, I am standing with my best friend in the entire world, Lisa.
Lisa and I have been friends since fourth grade, and even though she came to CUC with me for one semester, she left to go to LaSierra to start pursuing her major in the sciences, which CUC didn't offer.
We both have changed so much since we left high school. I'm engaged and almost a senior in college, while Lisa has turned into a genuine California girl, complete with a Starbucks addiction and a year-round tan.
We'll both be back in our hometown in Virginia in a couple weeks for Christmas break, and I can't wait to hang out with her, go shopping, get our nails done, eat Thai food...all the usuals.
Some of my best memories from high school involved Lisa--we were both "undercover band geeks," got good grades, had the same friends, enjoyed the same inside jokes and took all our of classes together.
I love college and wouldn't trade my experiences for the world--but the one thing I would definitely change would be the distance (the entire United States, in fact) between Lisa and I.
What friends from high school do you miss?
Labels: Jaclyn Wile, student blog